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Dan Shannon

In 1972 my cousin Jay asked me to come and check out his new band " Jo Jo Gunne". I had grown up with Jay and I had seen all of his bands from the "Red Roosters" to " Spirit ".

I was offered a job as piano tech on the road crew.I asked some of my friends to help with the crew. The other crew members were John Hunt, Stan Wilson, ' Cutter ' Brandeburg and guitar tech- Donnie Opperman.

I will never forget that summer in Topanga Canyon. The band rehersed and then recorded their first album. We all became very good friends. The " Gunners " were ready for battle. Look out USA.

Throughout our touring years we had some incredible experiences. It wasn't just all of the great bands that we performed with, it was the most fun you could possibly have with your best friends every day. Road stories are plentiful.

As a photographer, I was lucky enough to be given this opportunity to take pictures and capture some of those times on film.

Thanks to the Band, my roadmates and everyone else, Dan Shannon

Visit Dan's Site



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